Continuum on South Beach | The 2019 Mid-Year Review
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- July 30th, 2019
The 2019 Continuum South Beach Mid Year Review
Whether you are looking to buy or to sell your Continuum on South Beach unit, you will like to know the current state of the market. Therefore the Continuum Experts are providing you with Continuum’s key data for 2019
The Average, Lowest and Highest Sales Prices per SF
1, 2, 3 and 4+ bedroom residences at Continuum South Beach

As mentioned several times in previous blogs, the larger units are very desired at the moment. Many tax refugees are moving to Miami with their families or like to enjoy the larger units for relatively low prices per SF (compared to many other global cities). Looking at the prices per SF for the different units we can tell that the larger 3+ bedrooms are getting increasingly desired with surging prices, higher record prices and higher entry level prices. The 1 and 2 bedroom units however saw a slight dip with lower entry level prices and lower average prices.
The Amount of Sales in Q1 & Q2 of 2019
1, 2, 3 and 4+ bedroom residences at Continuum South Beach

On a positive note for the entire building, sales have taken off. While 3+ bedrooms seem to be selling at the same speed as 2019, 1 and 2 bedrooms are selling relatively more compared to 2018. The gap between sales and listing prices is decreasing for the 1 and 2 bedrooms, meaning owners are pricing their units more realistically and closer to market price.
The Difference in Listing and Sales Prices for Continuum Miami Beach
1, 2, 3 and 4+ bedroom residences at Continuum South Beach

Units for Sale at Continuum on South Beach
Below you can see how many 1, 2, 3, or 4+ bedrooms are currently on the market and what they are listed for. We also show you the months of inventory for all types of Continuum Residences for sale. Three bedrooms show the highest inventory, while 2 bedrooms show the lowest inventory.
Current Listing Prices per SF for Continuum on Miami Beach
1, 2, 3 and 4+ bedroom residences at Continuum South Beach

Months of Inventory at Continuum on South Beach
1, 2, 3 and 4+ bedroom residences at Continuum South Beach